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Testing Terraform For More Than Just Compliance

8 minute read

We discussed automated Terraform testing using Spock. We discussed zero-downtime deployments with autoscaling groups. Now, we’re going to discuss implementing automated Terraf...

Mocking Service Endpoints (With Spring Boot)

4 minute read

Do you interact with external web services? Do you need to test in a controlled environment where those external services might not be available? If you answered “yes” then you...

Batteries Included Build Automation

7 minute read

Clone repository, run local build… build failure. It works on the build server. It also works on Grant’s workstation. But it doesn’t work for you. Does this sound familiar? If ...

Testing Terraform With Spock

11 minute read

For many modern programming languages, various levels of automated testing have been around for years. However, for Infrastructure as Code (IaC), and specifically Terraform, the...